Why is this building here

I don’t even know what building this is I literally didn’t put this here.

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

There is stuff on this site

Significantly less stuff than most sites though, and most of this stuff is pretty useless. It’s kinda like that one drawer in your desk that catches all the random garbage but you can’t throw it away because you’re too lazy to clean.

Game stuff

Obligatory gaming mention since this generation knows no other content.

Engineering stuff

Hey mom come look at this thing I made!

Programming stuff

Maybe I’ll make chatGPT but like less helpful and simpler because I can’t be bothered to actually make a legitimate application.

Meme stuff

One does not simply not post memes.

Website stuff

I mean it is a website what did you expect.

Random stuff

Cool part is that not even I know what is in this category.

Maybe I’ll put something cool here

Or if you still see this I probably didn’t and you get to look at these stock images that I couldn’t be bothered to remove.

Wow look the sky

  • It’s blue
  • It’s up
  • It’s not falling
Tourist taking photo of a building
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

What a riveting wall

  • Bland
  • Too many windows
  • why are 2 missing blinds

“Jack of all trades, master of none, but often times better than master of one.”


CEO of quotes that no one knows the origin of

Here’s some random stuff you can look at:

Ain’t no one signing up for this.

There is quite literally nothing to sign up for.